Had some free time over the summer and decided to expand my palate in ways of creating. A few YouTube tutorials later I was crocheting better than my 88 year old grandma and that is how "Crochet by AR" came about. I am now the founder and designer of my own company by the age of 21 run casually through the instagram page @crochet.by.ar. However, my passion for sustainable fashion didn't start there.



Thrifting was my first love. I started at a very young age and have introduced the power of hand-me-downs to numerous throughout my journey for the perfect finds. Thrifting led me to teach myself how to sew and options at the thrift doubled. Now some would consider me a thrift flip queen.

Through a story highlight called "Goodwill findz" or "gw finds" for short, I showcased some of my most unique finds and made people more aware of what Miami thrifts are capable of.


During my time at UM I was luck enough to explore my creative capabilities and enrolled in several oil painting courses. It became my number one distraction during quarantine and something I see myself doing for the rest of my life as a past time.
I then explored my creative capabilities even further and was introduced to silkscreening, a medium I didn't even know existed at the time. I first choose a theme I would carry throughout my art which was: codependency between nature and humans. I then showed a physical depiction of how characteristics from both make up something beautiful when worked together.